When you drive along in the Marche region, it may happen to you that you slowly loose your sense of reality.. Today it was like a fairytale, one hill rolls upon the next, tall oak trees are dark points in ancient fields, sloes build walls around ruins of castles or chapels. I stop feeling here and now and get to my memories, when I spent several month in England, London and Cornwall. It was there that I started driving and walking to unknown landscapes on my own to discover places, plants and plots of human history. Discovering something about myself too, of course. Well, today I found two trees on a meadow, alone and without leaves but full of mistletoes, Viscum album. I wrote a little story about this particular plant in my “ARS HERBARIA”, which I hope will be translated in English as well.
Keep your eyes open like a child, admire nature, go through your landscapes with faith and heartfulness, mother nature will give you back a miracle.